Friday, October 16, 2009

Printing versus sewing

I printed this sheet of lino blocks last Friday, ready to cut up and collage onto cards. They are printed the lazy way with a foam roller and acrylic paint, instead of a rubber roller and printing ink. The print you get with the foam roller is not as clean or as dense - but it's fine for cards where I'm working over them with coloured pencils and cutting and collaging.
On Wednesday I chiselled a new lino that I haven't got round to printing yet. I have to confess that carving lino is kind of therapy for me. I haven't been in a great mood this week for no reason (blame the moon, blame hormones, who knows) but carving the lino is so soothing for me and helped me survive a crabby day!
Today the complete opposite, I've been sewing little purses for the craft fair. Ok, I'm lying, one little purse that I haven't quite finished. Sewing is not one of my strengths. I love printing onto fabric... and then I have to do something with it, something fiddly that takes four times longer than it should. I'm fairly pleased with the result (photos soon), but I didn't really enjoy the process. I wonder if I'll ever become comfortable with sewing the way I am with lino?

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